307 Hawkins Avenue
Lake Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Rev. Claudia D. Raggie, Pastor
"Helping people to know and share the love of Christ"
The family of Holy Cross greets us this day. We come together to worship each Sunday at 10 am and celebrate the many blessings God has given us. We glad you are here to worship with us. Enjoy your time with God and with us. Lift your voice in praise, prayer and thanksgiving. If we can be of assistance to you or your loved ones, please be in touch by phone(631-588-9509) or email (hclc @optonline.net
We collect donations for the Veterans living in the Long Island State Veterans Home at
Stonybrook. Magazines, books, small unopened toiletries, used CDs, new greeting cards, stamps, pads of notepaper, pens or markers are welcome. Donation box is in the narthex and donations are delivered to the facility bimonthly by John Stuerzel, a proud veteran himself.
Outreach is Holy Cross' way of practicing what we are told in Hebrews 13:16: "To not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices, God is pleased." Our joy is to honor God and enrich the lives of people in our church family as they get involved and care for the people locally, in Lake Ronkonkoma, Long Island, the nation and throughout the world.
We are blessed with many volunteers. And when the call goes out that we have a need or a special project, hands go up, feet hit the ground running and a lot of things happen.
Regular Outreach Events
We administer a very busy Food Pantry
We give away food baskets weekly and on special holidays
We host yard sales to raise money for the Pastor's Discretionary Fund
We have created PINK scarves to honor Breast Cancer survivors which are given away at the many walks hosted in the New York Metro area
We knit and crochet baby hats to go to World Vision
We support our local veterans with donations to the Long Island Veterans Home in Stonybrook
We knit and crochet hats, mittens and scarves for various organizations
We give away into the community 75+ school backpacks each Fall
We give out Easter Love Baskets (special little baskets of candy trinkets and a card) for those who are unable to get out or have no one
Valentine's Love Cans are chock full of "goodies" given to our local Adult Home and Assisted Living Facility and others
The Angel Tree at Christmas supports 10-15 families; purchasing gifts and gift cards and many extras
We joyfully participate in Operation Christmas Child of Samaritan Purse. Creating 75-125 shoe boxes full of gifts for children throughout the world
Souper Bowl Sunday we ask for soup donations for the Food Pantry
We believe that "the local church is the hope of the world." Each church, each house of worship, each Christian organization needs to make a difference. This is some of the ways we at Holy Cross do this.
Want to make a difference and help or make donations?
Contact: Lorraine Stark or the Church Office
516-588-9509 or hclc@optonline.net
We are in short supply of some basic items
Your help is needed and appreciated as we care for our neighbors in this very difficult times. Below in BOLD are food items we urgently need. But always ALL items are needed to help create food baskets for those in need.
Cereal Peanut Butter Soup Jelly Tuna Gravy
M ac & cheese Pasta Sauce Rice Stuffing Noodles
Potatoes - canned Canned Pasta Canned Meats Pudding Canned fruit
Nuts Oatmeal Cake mix Cookies Cake frosting Hamburger Helper
Let your friends and neighbors know that we help out many, many families weekly and monthly. Perhaps they want to donate to HCLC.